1. Background
Coffee plants are very familiar plants in the garden area of rural population in Indonesia. If the potential of this powerful we can use it is not difficult to make these commodities become a mainstay in the plantation sector. Just need a little touch of the right technical cultivation, shall we optimistically hope into reality. Coffee is one of the plantation commodity that has a real contribution in the national economy, that is as foreign exchange earners, farmers' income sources, producing industrial raw materials, job creation and regional development. Of the total area of 1302 million hectares in 2005, most (95.96%) worked in the form of smallholders and the remainder (4.04%) worked in the form of large estates. Position indicates that the role of farmers in the development of national economy is still quite dominant. Planting coffee grown mostly Robusta covering 1,191,557 ha (91.5%) and Arabica coffee area of 110,486 ha (8.95%) (Anon, 2006 ).
Bali is one of the coffee producers in Indonesia are big enough and have the opportunity to develop specialty coffee, because coffee Bali already has a name in the market. Sub Kintamani Bangli regency is one of production centers, particularly coffee robusta coffee with a total area of about 4155 hectares of Arabica coffee and 350 hectares of robusta coffee (Anon, 2004), with an altitude above 1000 mdpl are optimal conditions for the growth of Arabica coffee. The problem is the farmers in general are still cultivate coffee in a mixture of two types of coffee plants are robusta and arabica coffee. Robusta coffee is generally older and the acquisition price is lower than the arabica coffee that has a selling price higher. Agroekosistem Given this appropriate for arabica coffee when the coffee is robusta arabica be rehabilitated into a compatible technology needed, not only for environmental conservation but also sustainable considering the income of coffee farmers are the main livelihoods of the community. One alternative that can be taken to accelerate the conversion step is to connect Robusta coffee in the field. This technology is more directed to apply the general level of farmers is very limited capital capacity (Nur and Sudjatmiko, 1994).
Improvement of technology research and development to solve actual problems in the field than is the driving force of economic growth and national development is also needed to assist producers in responding to environmental changes, including increased productivity and income. New technologies that efficient farmers a chance for producers to produce more with fewer korbanan primarily targets new innovations with more specific needs (Hendayana, 2003). On the basis of this paper aims to measure the impact of rehabilitation technology into arabica robusta coffee with continued technical to changes in cost structure and revenues of coffee farming.
2. Purpose
Practical purpose of the coffee plant is to know the percentage of growth kecamabah.
The history of coffee can be traced tracks from around the 9th century, in the highlands of Ethiopia. From there and then spread to Egypt and Yemen, and then the fifteenth century to reach a wider Persia, Egypt, Turkey and northern Africa. At first the coffee not well received by some people. In the year 1511, due to the stimulus effect generated, prohibited its use by priests in othodoks conservative and religious assemblies in Mecca. However, the popularity of this drink, then the ban was overturned in 1524 on the orders of Sultan Selim I of the Ottoman Turks. In Cairo, Egypt, a similar ban passed in 1532, where coffee shops and coffee warehouse is closed. From the world's Muslims, coffee spread to Europe, where it became popular during the 17th century. The Dutch were the first import a large-scale coffee to Europe, and at one time the seeds smuggled in 1690, because the plants or seeds are not allowed out of raw Arab region. It then continued on coffee growing in Java by the Dutch. When coffee reached the American colonies region, was initially not as successful in Europe, because they are less able to replace the alcohol. However, during the Revolutionary War, the demand for coffee increases high enough, until the dealers have to open a backup supply and raise prices dramatically; some things This is based on the decline because pesediaan tea by British traders. America's interest to grow coffee in the early 19th century, following the war in 1812, which cut off access to tea imports while, and also because of increased beverage manufacturing technology, then the position of coffee as an everyday commodity in America strengthened. (Wikipedia , 2009).
Coffee Plant Biology adadlah as follows:
Branching system
Coffee (Coffea spp) is a tree-shaped plant species included in the Rubiaceae family and genus Coffea. This plant grows upright, branching, and if allowed to grow tall front reaches 12 m. oval leaves with slightly pointed tip. leaves grow opposite on the stems, branches, and branches. Coffee has a branching system which is quite different from other plants. This plant has some kind of branch that the nature and functions somewhat differently.
Root System
Although coffee is an evergreen, but generally have shallow roots. Therefore these plants susceptible to drought in a long drought in the region if not in perakarannya give mulch.
Coffee plants naturally has roots that are not easy to steep fall down. But the roots of the only upside is owned by the coffee plant seedlings seedlings seedlings or seeds connection (grafting) of stem below the seedling. Coffee is the seed crop from seed cuttings, cuttings or grafting the stems of seedlings below the seedling root cuttings do not have heels that are relatively easy to topple.
Flowers and Fruit
Coffee plants will start flowering usually after age ± 2 years. At first this interest out of the armpit leaves located on the main trunk or branch of reproduction. But the flowers are out of both places generally do not develop into fruit, the amount is limited, and only produced by plants that are still very young. Numerous flowers will come out of the armpit leaves located on the primary branches. This interest comes from the secondary buds and changes in reproductive function into flower buds. Flower buds later develop into flowers and clustered simultaneously.
1. Place and time Praktikum
Practicum practicum conducted Polytechnic milestones dilahan Equator (POLTEQ) on Jl. Prime, at the hour practicum courses take place.
2. Equipment and Materials
- Tools lab
The tools used include:
- Practice Materials
3. Procedures
In the first seedlings to prepare is preparing land in this lab is to making beds in grean huose and procurement of seeds. After the seed beds was completed and the next will do the seeding seed which had been soaked coffee while using water mixed with fungicide in the hope that the fungus does not meyerang coffee beans. Once the coffee beans grow calculated with the growing number of seedlings with one-week intervals and calculated the percentage of seeds that grow. After a good coffee beans will be done step further removal adala coffee seedlings into polybag baby. After the plant was transferred every two weeks visits petumbuhannya seta provision urea and spraying with fungicides to plants can grow well and do not attack the fungus.
1. Results
Results from lab coffee plants are as follows:
% Copy = number of seeds that germinated x 100%
Total number of seeds planted
= 33 x 100%
= 51.56%
So the percentage growth of coffee plants is 51.56%.
2. Pembahansan
If we look at the percentage growth of coffee plants that almost half of this growth is not caused. First; place seeding beans that are not in accordance with its growth. Second; tidk soil pH is unknown whether it was appropriate soil pH for plant growth with coffee beans or not.
Third; climate, temperature, and humidity are not in accordance with the requirements of coffee growing. Fourth;-quality of the seed itself is not known how many percentage pertumnuhan perkecambahannya.
if we see from where we held that the prime land lab is an automatic peat soil is acidic. While the growing conditions of coffee beans are as follows:
* Latitude LS 6-9o to 24o LS.
* High where 1250 s / d 1850 m above sea level.
Rainfall 1500 * s / d 2500 mm / yr.
* LS latitude 20o to 20o N.
* High where 300 s / d 1500 m above sea level.
Rainfall 1500 * s / d 2500 mm / yr.
* The influence of wind:
Coffee trees are not resistant to wind turbulence, especially the dry season. Because the wind enhances evaporation of water on the surface of the plantation land. In addition to enhanced evaporation, may also break the wind and laid a high protective trees, thus destroying the plants underneath.
Coffee bean plants will grow best when grown above are eligible, the coffee plants can grow beyond the requirement to grow but not as good as that in accordance with the requirements grow. Plants can suffer stunted, unable to produce fruit when planted outside sebaginya growing conditions.
DiIndonesia coffee plants is an important commodity crops, but many people do not realize the benefits of our coffee daily komsumsikan.
Here are a few points and benefit from a cup of beverage called coffee, which I managed to summarize from various sources:
- Eighty percent of adults in the world drink coffee at least once a day.
- Caffeine contained in coffee is a chemical derived from plants that can stimulate the brain and nervous system. Caffeine is classified as type alkaloid, also known as trimetilsantin. In addition to coffee, caffeine is also found in tea, cola, chocolate, energy drinks (energy drinks), chocolate, and medicines.
- Caffeine can help you to think faster. Try to consume coffee or tea 15 minutes or 30 minutes before you do a job interview or giving a presentation to the boss. The result may be quite considerable, because the caffeine found in coffee or tea proved able to provide 'signals' in the brain to respond faster and with swift memory processing in the brain.
- Caffeine prevent cavities. Try to drink a cup of hot coffee or hot tea right after you eat cookies, a delicious chocolate cake, fruit-flavored candy or a piece of sweet bread. Joe Vinson, Ph.D., of the University of Scranton explained that the caffeine contained in these drinks was very tough to eradicate the bacteria that causes cavities.
- Caffeine reduces headache pain. The study found caffeine contained in coffee or tea (in a certain amount) can help cure headaches. Seimur According to Diamond, MD, of Chicago's Diamond Headache Clinic. Patients with migraine in the mild category can be cured with a cup of black coffee or a cup of black tea. So, before you try drugs used to cure your headache with caffeinated beverages.
- Caffeine can relieve asthmatic breathing in a way that expands the bronchial tract connecting the esophagus to the lung.
- Caffeine can make the body do not get tired, could do more physical activity time, the estimate for the caffeine to make "fuel" used by older muscle.
- Caffeine can increase the sense of cheerful, makes us feel more refreshed and energetic.
- Women who drank two cups of coffee or more per day can reduce your risk of bone loss (osteoporosis).
- Coffee can improve mental performance and memory because of the coffee can stimulate many areas in the brain that can manage to stay awake, arousal, mood and concentration. Research at the University of Arizona found that adults who drink coffee before a memory test showed significant growth compared to those who drank decaffeinated coffee.
- Caffeine may ward off free radicals and destroy molecules that can damage DNA cells.
- Caffeine also protect the heart and cancer.
- To reduce the risk of diabetes pengidapan start drinking coffee. Someone who drank coffee more than six cups a day lower diabetes risk compared with people who do not drink coffee at all. Thus the conclusion of a large-scale research conducted in the 80 thousand people over 18 years in the U.S..
- Parkinson's disease is rare in people who drink coffee regularly. A study concluded that the disease is actually found in men who did not drink coffee three times more than men coffee connoisseur.
- Drinking coffee makes sperm "swim" faster and can improve male fertility. This Brazilian scientists announced in a meeting "American Society for Reproductive Medicine" in San Antonio, where the main discussion centered around the effects of drugs on kesuburankaum adam.
Another benefit of coffee is a crop that could, embantu prevent global warming from people who feared this moment. Because these plants are plants green and environmentally friendly. And the benefits in terms of the economy.
1. Conclusion
From the above results and discussion can be concluded that coffee is an important commodity for economic growth diIndonesia.
In the cultivation of coffee plants that must be considered is the growing requirements and the selection of very seeds to support plant growth and yield good coffee too.
2. Advice
Shipping praktikan on this occasion is so that the coffee plants in nurseries should really diperhatiakan to support better outcomes.
And hopefully this lab report can be bermafaat for next praktikan. Good luck.
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