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  KOTA PUTUSIBAU KOTA IMPIANKU BUDIDAYA DAN TUMBUH-TUMBUHAN SERTA LAPORAN TUGAS abcd hubungi saya amaryllis anggrek anglaonema Asrama politeknik tonggak equ... bab1 kelapa sawit bawang merah III. MEMBUKA KEBUN inpara dan inpari inpara, inpari, ciherang dan ... Jahe kakao Jenis komoditi kakao ketik di sini -lambertus ahen 03/10/09 21:58 PENYAKIT TANAMAN  KUBIS PLANT DISEASE SPROUTS OLEH : LAMBERTUS AHEN BY: Lambertus AHEN NIM : B0732009 NIM: B0732009 BUDIDAYA  TANAMAN PANGAN FOOD CROPS CULTIVATION LATAR BELAKANG BACKGROUND Kubis , kol , kobis , atau kobis bulat adalah nama yang diberikan untuk tumbuhan sayuran daun yang populer. Cabbage, cabbage, kobis, or kobis round is the name given to plants popular leaf vegetable. Tumbuhan dengan nama ilmiah Brassica oleracea Plants by scientific name Brassica oleracea L . Kelompok Capitata ini dimanfaatkan daunnya untuk dimakan. L. The group is utilized c...

Salinan kopi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1. Background Coffee plants are very familiar plants in the garden area of rural population in Indonesia. If the potential of this powerful we can use it is not difficult to make these commodities become a mainstay in the plantation sector. Just need a little touch of the right technical cultivation, shall we optimistically hope into reality. Coffee is one of the plantation commodity that has a real contribution in the national economy, that is as foreign exchange earners, farmers' income sources, producing industrial raw materials, job creation and regional development. Of the total area of 1302 million hectares in 2005, most (95.96%) worked in the form of smallholders and the remainder (4.04%) worked in the form of large estates. Position indicates that the role of farmers in the development of national economy is still quite dominant. Planting coffee grown mostly Robusta covering 1,191,557 ha (91.5%) and Arabica coffee area of 110,486 ha (8.95%) (...